Cheese Comics' original focus was printed media. There's nothing like holding a comicbook in your hands and flipping the pages to find out what happens next. It's simply a special experience that can't be recreated electronically, not even with a flashy iPad and a comicbook reader.
So we launched Cheese Comics in 2003 with three printed books. We made 200 copies of each. Since colour printing was cost prohibitive we only printed the covers in colour. I can't remember the numbers, but for each issue the colour cover cost more than all of the black and white pages put together. Each issue cost more than £1 to print so we couldn't sell for less than £2 a pop which put us in the same price range of the Marvel/DC full colour main stream books. On paper it didn't look like such a great deal.
We went to a few comics conventions where we sold 20 or so issues on average from each title. Now, if we sold 20 or so issues in every single comicbook shop in the world it'd be great, but we didn't. We only got to a few conventions here and there. Very few comicbook shops agreed to stock our books and without any promotion they just sat there gathering dust.
Months later we decided to upload them all to the website and suddenly dozens of people a day could read them. We didn't make money of it, but that was never the goal. Not right away, anyway. First we needed to promote ourselves as comics creators and putting your comics on-line meant that hundreds, if not thousands, of people could see your work in the same time span you work your ass off to sell one hundred books.
We got carried away with life, and to some extent that hasn't changed for the better for any of us, but we decided to give it another push and create some new material before we die of old age and let our dream die with us. Our focus now is solely on-line. Once we collect enough new material we might consider printing, but that would be just a side-bonus.
Over the next couple of weeks I'll start restoring the website content together with a new design and the first thing to go up will be our old work. So if you missed it the first time around, it's not too late. I'm even going to make special versions that can be read offline with comicbook readers on your computer or phone.
Exciting times ahead...