Sunday, 21 November 2010

Fabtastic Preview

We've been a bit quiet, but it doesn't mean we weren't working on several new projects.

Our new project, Fabtastic, is fully drawn. Now we just need to colour, photoshop and letter it. Here's a preview of the first page in three levels of work:
The original black and white.

A scan of Sally's original colouring.

And here it is after some photoshop cleanup and tweaking.

More about this project very soon!


1 comment:

  1. Hey there, good job with the design of your blogspot site!

    It was great to meet you at the Secret Handshake meet up, I hope your business plans work out so you can center yourself in Winnipeg!

    I'd seriously love to get a cartoonized version of myself for my business branding, perhaps we should talk further!

    Jill Lampi
    Winnipeg Internet Marketing Strategist
